Media Mention: Finet - Paradise Entertainment 12/03/2019 - 滙彩控股:澳門博彩業被忽視的“一條龍”
Media Mention: Finet - Paradise Entertainment 12/03/2019 - 滙彩控股:澳門博彩業被忽視的“一條龍”
原文鏈接: https://www.finet.hk/newscenter/news_content/5c878253bde0b3135ea4469c 月11日,汇彩控股(01180-HK)大涨17.98%。这个陌生又熟悉的名字,再一次进入了公众的视线。很多人不禁会问,这不是假期,港股也不算普涨,为何这根阳线,来的让人如此意外和惊喜。看看他的成交额,仿佛已经有很多人淡忘了这个股票。但其实,细细梳理他的公司2018年的业务,一切都变得并不意外。 汇彩控股(01180-HK)有限公司,1996年12月3日于百慕大注册成立,其股份自1997年1月20日起在联交所主板上市(股票代码: 1180.HK)。汇彩控股(01180-HK)的主要业务为提供娱乐场管理服务以及开发、销售及租赁电子博彩设备及系统。 正所谓“一条龙”,也不过如此。从上游研发生产到下游赌场管理等,完整的产业链条,汇彩控股(01180-HK)可所谓坐拥:澳门团队,澳门产品,澳门老板,澳门展览等, 以及作为澳门本地博彩的机器品牌等,让汇彩控股(01180-HK)能“躲在家里不求人,自己自足乐开怀”。汇彩控股(01180-HK)自己给自己提供了一条路,这条路看似举步维艰,实则给自己的未来铺出了一条康庄大道。 交通便利,大桥效应继续显现 澳门博彩业历史悠久,跨越3个世纪,被冠以“东方蒙地卡罗”及“亚洲拉斯韦加斯”之美誉,是澳门现时最重要的经济支柱。近年,澳门的博彩毛收入更曾超越了美国拉斯韦加斯金光大道,成为全球第一大赌城。2013年后,受内地反腐和经济放缓影响,行业进入下降通道,2014/2015年收入分别下滑2.6%、34.3%。2016年8月在经历26个月下滑后行业收入首现正增长(+1.1%),且回暖迹象还在延续和扩大,2016年9-11月,行业收入增幅分别达到7.4%、8.8%、14.4%。截止2018年,大部分月度同比增长在10%以上,1月份最高高达36.4%。 随着港珠澳大桥的开通,澳门交通环境得到显著改善:第一,港珠澳大桥开通后,从香港到澳门的车程缩短至30分钟,从深圳到澳门的车程缩短至45分钟,同时港珠澳大桥将与香港国际机场相连(香港国际机场客容量达到6800万人次/年),游客可从香港下飞机后直接前往澳门;其二,新澳门国际机场完工,承载量将从目前的每年600万人次增加至每年900万至1000万人次,未来增量客流将主要来自于更远距离的内陆地区。 消费升级是基础,交通、政策利好提客流收入提高、消费升级是博彩娱乐需求的根本动力。从全球范围来看,各国博彩收入与人均GDP均存在较强的正相关性。以拉斯韦加斯为例,在美国居民人均GDP(现价)从6,000美元提升至2万美元的过程中,拉斯韦加斯博彩业收入年复合增速为13%,持续快速增长。根据相关数据显示,2016年中国内地人均GDP达5.4万元,约合7,800美元。而按照目前中国内地经济发展速度,预计2025年-2028年中国内地人均GDP有望达到2万美元。 据澳门特区政府旅游局2019年2月11日公布的数据显示,得益于港珠澳大桥开通等因素,春节假期七天(农历除夕至大年初六)澳门入境旅客超过121万人次,按年同比上升26.6%。春节行情也让澳门博彩业重新点燃了希望。 政策刺激,汇彩2018年坐收渔利 2017年12月,澳门博彩监察协调局发布了《直播式电子赌枱游戏技术标准(第1.0版)》,并于2018年1月1日生效,规定现有全部的直播式电子赌枱游戏机需于2019年12月31日或之前更新,加快澳门现有直播式电子赌枱游戏机的更新换代周期。汇彩控股(01180-HK)作为直播式电子赌枱游戏机的发明者、专利拥有者及于澳门的独家供货商,集团在技术层面上占尽优势,定能受惠于新的技术标准。 大家去赌场可能光顾玩乐,都不去注意机器的生产商或者销售商。要知道,现时全澳门各大娱乐场均有安装直播式混合游戏机,共4700多台,全部均由汇彩控股(01180-HK)制造。新标准等于为汇彩加速收益,汇彩控股(01180-HK)作为直播式电子赌枱游戏机的发明人、专利拥有人及唯一供货商,拥有充足技术,并足以随时向已装有直播式电子赌枱游戏机的娱乐场提供服务,因为各大博企必须要找汇彩来更新其直播式混合游戏机,这也为汇彩控股(01180-HK)在2018年带来庞大的商机和业务量。除了旗舰产品直播混合游戏机,及其他全新概念博彩器材,跑马机、智能牌靴、自动百家乐机器人等,或有望受惠于政策,在销量上有所提升,加强汇彩控股产品的渗透率。分析人士认为,对汇彩控股(01180-HK)拥有的直播混合游戏机的前景感到乐观,并预期未来直播混合游戏机的销量会逐步上升,同时为汇彩贡献更多盈利。 中场客增多,角子机市场更添火热 在澳门2019年财政年度施政报告中,提及会持续推动博彩业有序发展,加强支持澳门制造品牌,继续支持博彩企业优先采购澳门中小企的产品及服务。另外,由于港珠澳大桥的通车带来的便利交通,很多游客选择当天往返澳门,例如,早上抵达澳门开始游玩,晚上不用过夜就去往其他地方。这种样态造就了澳门赌场,中场客人数的增多,带动澳门赌业的中场业务。因此,赌场近些年一直在增加角子机数目,数据显示,2018年首三季澳门赌场角子机总数已较2017年全年增加1596台,预期去年第四季将保持增长。2018年12月澳门赌收按年增长16.6%,连升29个月,进一步助推动角子机销售。 更新换代快,使用周期短,是角子机的特点。而角子机在前期大量投放研发后,在中后期只需要更换图片就可以推出适合市场口味的新游戏。这也使得汇彩控股(01180-HK),在前期大量的投入研发之后,现在开始收获利益。角子机,是汇彩控股(01180-HK)之前从未涉足的市场,而这一领域也成为汇彩控股(01180-HK)2018年的亮点所在。加上东南亚新兴娱乐场愈来愈多,特别是柬埔寨及越南等地,有强烈的博彩设备需求,因而汇彩控股(01180-HK)在东南亚市场的销量和业绩亦有望得到提升。
第二十屆賽馬會慈善賽精彩連場,其中一場由華都娛樂場贊助的慈善賽亦於3月28日圓滿落幕,由馬匹 『贏多多』奪冠。活動上滙彩控股集團主席陳捷先生向澳門賽馬會董事兼秘書長官樂怡大律師贈予善款拾五萬元,並向『華都娛樂慈善盃』冠軍馬主、練馬師及騎師頒發獎盃。 華都娛樂場作為本澳娛樂博彩行業的一員,取諸社會,用於社會,除了在行業內致力創新及發展旅業經濟,同樣熱衷於助人善舉,致力投入慈善事業。賽事所籌善款將由賽馬會代表捐助本澳多間慈善機構,用作賑災及扶助有需要社群 –『華都娛樂慈善盃頒獎禮留影』 –『滙彩控股集團主席陳捷先生捐贈善款支票』 –『滙彩控股集團主席陳捷先生頒獎予華都娛樂慈善盃冠軍』
LVS the matchmaker in IGT-LT Game teaming: Jay Chun
LVS the matchmaker in IGT-LT Game teaming: Jay Chun
Casino operator Las Vegas Sands Corp acted as matchmaker in the strategic partnership announced on Thursday between Macau-based electronic table games specialist LT Game Ltd and U.S.-based slot machine maker International Game Technology (IGT). Jay Chun (pictured left), chairman of LT Game, told GGRAsia on the sidelines of the partnership signing ceremony in Hong Kong, that the initial meeting was brokered by senior executives of Las Vegas Sands during the International Casino Exhibition – known as ICE – held in London in February. “We were introduced by very senior management of Las Vegas Sands from Las Vegas during the ICE show in London,” said Mr Chun. “They said ‘You can have some strategy to work together. You [LT Game] are very good on the tables games, and you [IGT] are very good on the slot machines’.” Under the three-year agreement, IGT will distribute LT Game’s live and electronic table game products on an exclusive basis in the U.S. and Canada. LT Game will serve as distributor for IGT’s slot machines in Macau. IGT is additionally granted right of first refusal for distribution of LT Game products in Europe, the Caribbean, Mexico, South America and other parts of Central America. Mr Chun’s Live Multi-Game product – using a live dealer but electronic betting and bet settlement – is a category that has gained popularity in Macau partly because of the local government’s cap on the number of traditional live dealer tables. It is also a product area that IGT has largely left alone so far. In North American markets table numbers are not necessarily an issue, and labour costs for trained dealers – as opposed to electronic game attendants – can actually be cheaper than in Macau. According to Macau government data, traditional casino dealers in Macau earned on average MOP16,710 (US$2,093) per month – equal to US$25,000 per year – by the end of last year. In the U.S., the national average base pay for a traditional casino dealer is US$14,700 a year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, but that figure does not include company benefits and tips. However, the use of electronic bet settlement can push up the number of hands per hour, and the multiples bet, creating an attractive business model for casino operators, say investment analysts. Robert Amerine (pictured right), IGT’s director, corporate strategy, had earlier told Thursday’s press conference: “Las Vegas Sands was very interested in taking the [LT Game] product to the U.S. markets. And in moving to the U.S., you’ve got a distributed market with a lot of different properties, where LT Game will benefit strategically from the infrastructure that IGT already has in place from a service and sales standpoint.” He added: “I think Las Vegas Sands recognised there was an opportunity for us strategically in combination to work together. So they arranged some of the early meetings.” The deal – negotiated over more than six months according to Mr Chun – could quickly, possibly by the end of this year, start to reap rewards for both partners. “I think toward the end of the year you will see big changes,” Mr Chun told us. IGT licensing It potentially opens up the North American market to LT Game – a unit of Hong Kong-listed Paradise Entertainment Ltd – via IGT’s several hundred jurisdictional licences there, he added. The firm announced in July it had been licensed to sell its products in Nevada following a successful field trial at Las Vegas Sands’ Palazzo Casino. Robert Amerine told GGRAsia on the sidelines of Thursday’s event: “If you count the gaming licences in the tribal gaming jurisdictions, the number of [IGT sales] licences is probably in the couple of hundred range.” He added: “How quickly LT Game could benefit from the IGT licensing would depend very heavily on the specific jurisdictions. Some jurisdictions follow GLI [Gaming Laboratories International] standards for example. So to the extent that you go through the product regulatory process to ultimately approve within GLI [standards] that may open up some jurisdictions immediately.” Asked if there were any plans for IGT to take any equity stake in LT Game, Mr Amerine told us: “At this point we’re focused on making the commercial relationship work, so there is no minority investment. It’s not something we’ve contemplated at this point, so we’re going to stay focused on making this strategic alliance work.” Asked whether the deal had to be approved by lottery company GTech SpA – which in mid-July said it was acquiring IGT in a US$6.4 billion leveraged deal – Mr Amerine told us: “We’ve been working in consultation with GTech to make sure they’re fully up to speed with it and fully supportive. GTech is very excited about this relationship going forward.” Commenting on LT Game working as IGT’s sales agent in Macau, Mr Amerine indicated that there could also be collaboration on game content in the slot segment, as well as improved relationships at government level. He said: “We feel with a local partner the ability to have better access [in Macau]; [to have local] market research and the local relationships that go along with regulatory approvals, that [the partnership] will help us navigate [deals] faster and in higher quantities.” Mr Chun told GGRAsia that because IGT’s partnership with LT Game in Macau was focused on slot product and not electronic table game product, it would not be affected by ongoing litigation over patent rights in the Macau market between LT Game and SHFL entertainment Inc. (Source: http://www.ggrasia.com/lvs-the-matchmaker-in-igt-lt-game-teaming-jay-chun/)
the IAG 2014 Supplier Award for “Best Multi-Terminal Product” for LT’s Live Table Multi-Game System
the IAG 2014 Supplier Award for “Best Multi-Terminal Product” for LT’s Live Table Multi-Game System
Forward With a Vision Not content with dominating the electronic table gaming market in Macau,LT Game showed off a varied assortment of innovative new products at G2E Asia During the last G2E Asia, LT Game had the honour to received from Inside Asian Gaming the IAG 2014 Supplier Award for “Best Multi-Terminal Product” for LT’s Live Table Multi-Game System. The Live Multi-Game System is perfect for our customer because it gives them the opportunity to gambling simultaneously in one terminal on different tables and games without leave their chair. Also for the casinos, the Live Multi-Game System has many benefits. The number of the players who can bet for each table is higher than the amount of a traditional table. The casino needs less dealers and the games go faster than in the traditional tables. All these benefits give to the Casino operators the opportunity to increase their profit. Mr. Jay Chun, chairman of LT Game collected the award in our magnificent installation we had in the show G2E Asia from IAG’s Editor James Rutherford. LT Game sincerely appreciates IAG for this award. This recognition of our efforts gives us a sense of security and confidence in our daily job We will redouble our efforts to keep growing and improve our level to support our costumer. Lt Game is going on working hard with new ideas and products and we will expect earn this award again the next year. Download
The Cheapest, Richest Casino in Macau
The Cheapest, Richest Casino in Macau
Some Find Profits in Asia’s Low Rollers;ABare-Bones Establishment Emerges as a Big Winner BY KATE O’KEEFFE High-rollers who bet millions without batting an eye have turned Macau into the world’s gambling capital. But a bare-bones casino where gamblers pay for their own drinks has emerged as an unlikely winner in the Chinese territory by trumpeting its HK$20($2.58) minimum bets. Jay Chun says his Kam Pek casino,housed in a downtown office building across the street from the glamorous Wynn Macau, caters to the gamblers that other Macau casinos don’t want. By embracing technology to tame the city’s high costs, he says, Kam Pek achieves some ofthe highest profit margins in the city. Macau’s annual gambling revenueshot up from less than $3billion in 2002 to $45 billion, or seven times that of the Las Vegas Strip, last year. But in the race toserve the city’s high rollers within creasingly luxurious casino resorts,low-budget gamblers were left without many options. Over the past year alone, average minimum bets at mass market,or non-VIP, gambling tables in Macau have more than doubled to HK$1,000 ($129) from around HK$400 ($52), says analyst Aaron Fischer of brokerage CLSA. That compares with minimum bets of $7 to $50 at casinosin Las Vegas and most other casinos globally, the brokerage estimates. Lower-budget gamblers in Macau are “a huge market to tap,” says Lee Wee Keat, an analystat Singapore’s DBS Vickers Securities. Macau’s customer mix is “likea pyramid,” says Mr. Chun, chairmanof Paradise EntertainmentLtd., the publicly traded company that manages Kam Pek.“Everyone focuses on the top but we focus on the bottom.” Casinos spend lavishly ontheir best clients, many of whom hail from mainland China. For example, they offered private jets for all-expenses-paid trips to Las Vegas to ring in the Lunar New Year, which began Friday. At Kam Pek, top customers were offered the chance to redeem their loyalty points for popular dried-seafood products to celebrate the holiday, but they still had to pay for their own drinks. Gamblers can also use points to enter the “Fun Machine Cash Cube,” which gives them 30 seconds to grab crumbled bills blown around by a fan. If customers want to spend the night at Kam Pek, they are offered one of about 30 basic rooms the casino doles out to its better players for a quick rest,but “they can’t complain...it’s for free,” says Mr. Chun. “Most ofthe time they’re waiting for the border to open,” he adds, referring to Macau’s border with mainland China, which shut sovernight until 7 a.m. About half the casino’s patron sare from mainland China,30% are from Macau, and many of the rest come from Taiwan and Korea, Mr. Chun says. Kam Pek has also solved some of Macau’s most vexing problems:the high cost and low availability of labor. The city’s gamblers like table games, in particular baccarat, which require lots of dealers. That’s a problem because dealers can only be drawn from Macau’s 600,000 citizens, and just 1.8% ofthem are unemployed, which makes them expensive. The solution: live-video gaming that allows eight, rather than 100, dealers to handle 900 gamblers. The dealers sit alone at tables, continuously drawing cards for a video that’s broadcaston gamblers’ personal electronic stations. The gamblers,who can see only the dealers’ hands and the cards on their own screens, can bet on multiple tables from their seats. Each dealer “is basically like a robot,”says Mr. Chun. “It’s a pretty easy job.” On a recent Friday afternoon, the casino, which occupies 220,000 square feet across five floors, was crowded, smoky and raucous. Decor includes fish tanks, motorbikes and Portuguese-style tile floors, a nod to the city’s former colonial rulers. Mr. Chun operates Kam Pekunder the casino license of SJM Holdings Ltd., Macau’s largest Continued from the prior page casino operator. When he tookover the property at the end of 2007, it was generating HK$9 million in monthly revenue from fewer than 1,000 visitors a day.Now it brings in 13,000 gamblers a day who generate HK$100million in revenue a month. The casino’s labor costs are more than 30% below the rest of the market, he says. Kam Pek’s parent company,Paradise Entertainment, has also profited from another Macau government policy plaguing competitors: a cap on the numberof gambling tables in the territory. As each electronic gambling machine counts as only a fraction of a traditional table under government rules, more casinos have ordered Paradise’s machines to fill their floors. The company has international ambitions as well. In November,Paradise Entertainment launched machines at the Sands’ Palazzo casino in Las Vegas.Palazzo has erected a sign celebrating its $5 minimum betsas the lowest in town. “We think their product is uniquely positioned to accommodate customers with potentially lower gaming budgets, a segment which has largely been abandonedin North America due tothe cost of labor," says Ron Reese, a Las Vegas Sands Corp.spokesman. (Source: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303743604579352783979643194)
汇彩老虎机瞄准澳博 【本报讯】有份经营金碧汇彩娱乐场的汇彩控股(1180)打算开拓老虎机业务,计划在农历新年前将有首批「自家制」的150部老虎机进驻澳博(880)旗下的新葡京赌场,会把经营直播式电子赌枱的经验放在老虎机业务上。 盼海外收入占逾三成 汇彩主席陈捷接受访问时表示,公司目前主营真人派牌的直播式电子赌枱,亦有意扩展至生产及营运老虎机。他指出,虽然老虎机平均收入较直播式电子赌枱低四成,加上市场竞争非常激烈,惟加入老虎机业务有助集团为赌场提供整体解决方案(total solution)。 直播式电子赌枱方面,陈捷料明年将可销售超过3,000部直播式电子赌枱,可带来约4.7亿元的收入。他又透露,下周将有首批24部的直播式电子赌枱进驻拉斯韦加斯,并会继续拓展美国及澳洲等市场,冀海外市场占总收入比例可由现时的两成增加至三成以上。汇彩月初曾向美国基金公司配股集资7,730万元,预计于今日完成。陈捷指出集团现金流情况良好,暂未有新一轮的「抽水」计划。 (来源:http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/financeestate/art/20131115/18508804)
FRANCIS TAM REAFFIRMS: No more than 3% increase in gaming tables during next 10 years
FRANCIS TAM REAFFIRMS: No more than 3% increase in gaming tables during next 10 years
The Secretary for Economy and Finance Francis Tam Pak Yuen said on Friday that the limit of 5500 gaming tables until 2013 has almost been reached, and “the average yearly increase in the next 10 years cannot exceed three percent.” This would mean around 2,000 new tables for the gaming operators during the next decade. The government will evaluate the distribution of the number of gaming tables requested by the remaining five casino projects, namely Wynn, MGM, Sociedade de Jogos de Macau (SJM) and Galaxy at Cotai, as well as the upcoming Studio City project, which presented its request for a casino opening before 2008. It’s the first time Tam has confirmed that Studio City is among the operators who are eligible to apply for a new casino. He only mentioned SJM, MGM, Galaxy and Wynn in the past. The main evaluation criteria for the distribution of tables will be the “scale and proportion between the elements related and the ones not related to gaming.” As to Studio City, Mr Tam added the information that “they were given the land already in 2003. The question is whether or not this land can have casinos or not”, he stated. “At the time of the first request they did not include any projects for casinos. It must be evaluated.” According to the Secretary, “this can’t be done fast.” Also, the requested 400 gaming tables for the recently-opened Sheraton Hotel in Sands Cotai Central will probably be approved “only next year”. The government had originally agreed to this number of tables and 200 were approved already. The Secretary also referred to Sands’ “little Paris” project saying, “This is no new project, as it had already been integrated into the Venetian and Four Seasons projects. It’s only the construction works that are divided into different phases.” (Source: http://www.macaudailytimes.com.mo/macau/38774-francis-tam-reaffirms-no-more-than-3-increase-in-gaming-tables-during-next-10-years.html)
中国澳门9月20日电-《澳门邮报》今天报道,澳门特别行政区经济财政司司长谭伯源星期一表示,任何博彩业运营商申请新赌场牌照,依旧受限额管制,澳门的赌桌总数每年最多只许增长3%。 谭伯源出席内地与澳门关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排(CEPA)的省区贸易推广活动时发表此言论。 谭伯源指:「因为政府与[六家]博彩业运营商的协议于2020年至2022年间到期,根据政府的政策方向,于2013年后的十年内,澳门赌桌数目每年增长幅度不可高于3%。」 自2007年起,澳门赌桌数目每年平均增加4%至5%,其后政府把赌桌数目上限设于5,500张,直至2013年为止。 截至今年6月底,澳门赌桌数目共5,237张;于2007年底,赌桌数目则为4,375张。澳门政府没有为角子老虎机数目设上限。于今年6月底,澳门的角子老虎机总数为15,098台;于2007年底,角子老虎机数目为13,267台。 谭伯源指:「任何博彩业运营商拟在新建的度假村开设新赌场,都必须另外向政府提交申请,以申领赌场经营牌照。」他没有进一步提到永利澳门及澳门星丽门是否有额外申请赌场经营牌照。(MacauNews/Gaming) (来源: http://www.macaunews.com.mo/content/view/1467/13/lang,simplified_chinese/)
LifeTec sees big payout from gaming
LifeTec sees big payout from gaming
Drug producer seals deal to supply betting machines to Greek Mythology LifeTec Group, a Hong Kong-listed drugmaker, expects its new gambling-related business to account for 90 per cent of the company's earnings in five years. The company made the forecast after reaching an agreement with Macau's New Century Hotel Greek Mythology Casino, which operates under the Sociedade de Jogos de Macau (SJM) licence, to provide up to 300 live baccarat betting system terminals to the casino over five years. LifeTec, which posted a net loss of $24 million last year, expects the project to generate at least $200 million in revenue each year. It also plans to expand its gambling-related business to other casinos. Under the agreement, LifeTec will take up to 24 per cent of the profit of Greek Mythology's baccarat betting segment, the Macau government 40 per cent, SJM 29 per cent and Greek Mythology the remaining 7 per cent. In return, LifeTec will be responsible for installing and maintaining the machines and for staff costs. It costs $100,000 to install a machine, according to Philip Poon, senior vice-president and company secretary. Mr Poon said the company had invested more than $5 million in research and development of the machines, which enable 30 people to bet simultaneously at a baccarat table via an intranet. At present, a Macau baccarat table, which generates net profit of between $30,000 and $50,000 a day, can only accommodate nine customers at a time. While SJM wants to use the baccarat betting system exclusively, LifeTec plans to sell the system to other licensed casinos. Under the agreement, SJM will take 2 per cent of the profit from every LifeTec baccarat betting machine incorporated in casinos under other licences, according to LifeTec chairman Jay Chun. Mr Chun said the company would need to raise funds to meet its target of installing 1,000 machines in Macau in two years. While LifeTec would rely heavily on its gambling-related business, Mr Chun said there were no plans to phase out its drug segment. He said the company was developing a drug for treating liver cancer. Reporter Andy Cheng (Source:http://www.scmp.com/article/551827/lifetec-sees-big-payout-gaming)
LifeTec bets on baccarat as gambling goes electric
LifeTec bets on baccarat as gambling goes electric
Pharmaceuticals firm LifeTec Group announced yesterday it had signed a five-year contract with Macau gaming boss Stanley Ho Hung-sun's Sociedade de Jogos de Macau (SJM) to install proprietary semi-automated baccarat gaming systems in all 16 casinos run under the SJM umbrella. In a revenue-sharing deal similar to the subcontracting agreements SJM has with VIP room operators, LifeTec will receive 31 per cent of the winnings from the baccarat tables it manages. The new gaming system features a human dealer, but unlike traditional baccarat where players sit 14 to a table, LifeTec's version has 20 singleplayer video terminals with touch-screen betting and a computerised payout program. The company installed its first 20 terminals inside the Greek Mythology casino, which has a revenue-sharing agreement with A-Max Holdings, and plans double the number to 40 by the end of the month. LifeTec will install another 20 terminals in the Jai Alai casino by early next month and hopes to have 300 terminals across Macau by the end of the year. 'We are offering a service in between the traditional mass-market tables and the VIP rooms,' said company secretary Philip Poon Yick-pang. 'This live baccarat system is a combination of [traditional] baccarat and the slot-machine styles of gaming and we feel the potential is enormous,' Mr Poon said. LifeTec shares surged 25 per cent to close at 13 cents in trading onThursday even though a press release announcing the deal was notdistributed until after the market closed. The firm announced the deal to the stock exchange yesterday morning and after a brief midday rise the counter slid 5.38 per cent to end the week at 12.3 cents. LifeTec is controlled by chairman and managing director Jay Chun, who holds 14.46 per cent of its shares. Gaming is a new business for the lossmaking firm, which has focused mainly on selling biopharmaceutical products. Mr Chun was founding chairman of the Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies, currently chaired by Mr Ho's son, Lawrence. Lawrence Ho is the chairman of rival gaming firm Melco InternationalDevelopment, which operates slot machine gaming parlours in Macau. Melco's technology-focused subsidiary Elixir Group makes and supplies the video terminals used in LifeTec's baccarat system. The video terminals cost LifeTec less than $100,000 per unit, according to Mr Chun. In addition to providing the terminals, the SJM deal also calls for LifeTec to cover the costs of maintenance and technical support, pay rent to the hotel proprietor, and pay the salaries of SJM staff who operate the baccarat tables. Mr Chun said these expenses would take more than half of his firm's revenue from the gaming operation, but did not provide a more detailed earnings projection. Reporter Neil Gough (Source:http://www.scmp.com/article/548581/lifetec-bets-baccarat-gambling-goes-electric)
Paradise Entertainment Plans Overseas Casino Equipment Push
Paradise Entertainment Plans Overseas Casino Equipment Push
Paradise Entertainment Ltd. (1180), the supplier of gambling equipment in Macau, forecast a rise of at least 35 percent in sales next year and said it aims to expand overseas to sell its electronic table games outside the city. Sales may rise by at least 35 percent next year as Macau casinos order more electronic table games, Chairman and Managing Director Jay Chun said in an interview in Macau yesterday. The company gets almost all its revenue from the world’s largest gambling hub. The supplier to casino companies such as Sands China Ltd. (1928),SJM Holdings Ltd. (880) and Melco Crown Entertainment Ltd. (MPEL), has benefited from Macau’s transformation into the world’s largest gambling hub with six times the revenue of Las Vegas. Paradise Entertainment aims to expand into the U.S., Australia, Singapore, Cambodia and Vietnam, Chun said. “There are about one million gaming machines in the U.S. right now, whereas Macau only has 16,000,” the executive said. “The U.S. market will definitely be our priority.” The company plans to accelerate expansion into the country next year, he said. The stock climbed 5.2 percent to HK$3.64 in Hong Kong, the highest close since August 2009. The benchmark Hang Seng Index rose 1.7 percent. Paradise Entertainment also manages the Kam Pek Paradise casino under the license of SJM, Asia’s largest operator, in the only city in China where casinos are legal. It aims to operate two more casinos in the Chinese city, Chun said, without disclosing details. The company’s revenue rose 27 percent to HK$405 million in the first six months of the year. Market Share The company currently accounts for 20 percent of the slot machine market in Macau and 60 percent of the electronic live table games market, Chun said. The Hong Kong-listed company expects sales for its slot machines to rise above 40 percent next year, he said. Paradise Entertainment’s first-half profit dropped about 15 percent to HK$40.2 million because of aone-off disposal gain recorded in the same period a year earlier. Sands China, Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd. (27) and Melco Crown have been expanding on Cotai, a piece of reclaimed land that is Macau’s equivalent to the Las Vegas Strip. Smaller rivalsWynn Macau Ltd. (1128) and MGM China Holdings Ltd. (2282) are building their first resorts there. The expansion is boosting the demand for gambling equipment such as Paradise Entertainment’smulti-games live table machines, which allow gamblers to play multiple games such as jackpot and baccarat at a terminal-based table with real-life dealers concurrently. Overseas Expansion Located next to SJM’s oldest Lisboa casino in Macau’s peninsula, Kam Pek Paradise casino has 37 gaming tables, more than 900 live multi-game machines and over 300 slot machines, according to the company’s website. Paradise Entertainment announced on Nov. 5 that it had raised about HK$77.6 million by issuing 33.7 million new shares at HK$2.3 each to two U.S.-based investment funds, according to a statementto Hong Kong stock exchange. The proceeds will be used as working capital, it said. Gambling revenue in Macau increased 18 percent to 297.1 billion patacas in the first 10 months of this year, close to the $38 billion revenue raked in last year, as improved rail connection, added entertainment shows and hotel rooms drew more gamblers to the Chinese city. To contact the reporter on this story: Vinicy Chan in Hong Kong at vchan91@bloomberg.net To contact the editor responsible for this story: Stephanie Wong at swong139@bloomberg.net (Source:http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-11-14/paradise-entertainment-sees-35-sales-growth-on-casino-boom.html)